Saturday, September 6, 2008

Francorp Clients - Playboy

Francorp former client, Playboy continues to control the adult men's entertainment market. Francorp worked with Playboy to help them determine the viability of a franchise model for a portion of Playboy's business. Francorp determined that the franchise rollout was not the most efficient expansion model and advised the company not to franchise.

Company Description of Playboy:Playboy keeps printing articles, so someone must be reading them. Playboy Enterprises is a leading adult multimedia entertainment company anchored by its iconic, half-century-old periodical. Playboy, the #1 men's magazine with a circulation of more than 2.5 million, features general-interest and lifestyle articles, interviews, fiction, and, of course, a monthly Playmate centerfold. Beyond print media, Playboy owns adult cable and satellite channels under the Playboy and Spice banners, produces and distributes videos and DVDs, and licenses its brand and Rabbit Head logo for a variety of goods. Playboy also offers free and subscription content online. Founder Hugh Hefner controls about 70% of the firm.

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